Wednesday, June 03, 2009


As a kid I was a terror especially when it came to food... Making me have food took a lot of efforts & exercise... I am sure I digested all the food while having it. The digestion of food is also applicable to the people who tried to feed me!

I remember this one time when my mom lost her temper... I don't blame her... hehehe... read on!

We were at Tripuniturai (a town in Kerala) for the summer vacation... one night, after feeding me dinner my mom wanted me to have a glass of milk or buttermilk or a cup of yogurt... At first I refused to have either of the three choices.

After a lot of persuasion and a little bit of scolding I agreed to have milk... When she got the glass of warm milk I changed my mind to yogurt... When she got a cup of yogurt I changed my mind to buttermilk... Again she went and got a glass of that... At that point I went back to my first choice of milk... Patiently, she got me the milk again and I refused again... That was the boiling point I guess... The whole glass of milk got emptied on my head!

When I look back I wonder why that did not happen sooner... She also had to listen to her mom (my grand mom) scold her for the act... poor thing!

I love her for all the patience she had with a brat like me... I hope I can be more like her!!!

That was my first & last pal abhishekam!!!

My Daddy Strongest!!!

Many of us would have heard a little kid say this on TV... When I see that I remember a little incident that happened more than 2 decades ago... I think I was 5 or 6 I am not sure of the age!

I loved Rajnikant & Amitabh Bachchan for all the fights & stunts they pulled on movies... I actually thought movies were real... that's a different story... which I might narrate later in a separate story... Like I said I was a very big fan of the superstars but the biggest superstar was still my dad.

I actually thought that he got all his energy from the Rasam rice he used to have and I was a big fan of rasam rice because of that. Once at a family dinner I was only hogging on rasam sadam and I was asked why am I not having anything else... At that time I commented "You know why my father is so strong... its because he eats loads and loads of rasam sadam and I also wanna be like him."

That comment invited a roar of laughter and even now with my Mami & cousins it stirs up a warm memory and a sweet smile! :)

you know what... rasam sadam or not this girl stays firm on "My Daddy Strongest!!!"