Tuesday, December 23, 2008

In the meanwhile!!!

We all go through ups & downs in life... life is all about that.. sometimes you feel like you are ruling the world & sometimes you feel you are being ruled over or even been run over but that huge machine that is used to lay roads... the one with the iron wheels!!!

It is funny... that in that case we are like the cartoons... even after we have been flattened by that huge monster we tend to get up & puff ourselves back to our original shape & get ready to rule again...

When you are ruling you don't really have a lot of time left after taking care of all the affairs of your kingdom... but the time is in abundance when you are being ruled... you get to think about how unfair your ruler is & how you have to put up with his crap & so on & so forth and you feel very very low! 

At this stage you hear a whole load of people trying to cheer you up... you mostly hear things like... "Oh, its just a phase"... "this too will pass" ... "don't worry way too much about it" ... "cheer up" ... "blah"... "blah"... "blah"...  all with good intentions of course! Now this is the part where I have some doubts... 

What does one do during this low phase... apart from carrying out the 'so called' mean orders from the ruler... The question is "what do I do till the damn phase passes???" 

Some might say "Wait for it to pass"... Good idea... but you are already waiting!!! So what next??? I have also  realised thats when you are waiting your mind rents out its space to a someone called 'devil' and you land up doing things that you regret!!! And after you become the ruler again you wouldn't want have those regrets, would you?


Do post in your thoughts so it might help a lot of people going through "the phase"!!!


  1. Very philosophical and quite intelligent. I have saved this to my hard disk (seriously)

  2. Anonymous17:26

    the thing is we are all searching for answers, sometime it takes a lifetime finding the answers, sometime a few seconds.

  3. as rightly said the article is very philosophical and quite true......and am sure most individuals if not all must have gone through this phase. must say a difficult situation to describe a solution for... and rightly mentioned by satish at times it takes a lifetime to find a solution and at times a split second....neways dunno if i am the rite person to suggest anything on this but my take is that while u r in such a phase u need to try giving a break in between to your continuous thinking and try to get into different activity that u like...coz i blv the best solutions comes across when the mind is fresh. i know its easier said than done and ppl mite feel this is a pretty idealistic but not so practical approach...but i wud say this is not an ideal world or ideal life we live but we always try to reach or achieve the ideal scenario...

  4. hmmm I am not sure in what mood u were in when u wrote this!but here are some of my thoughts... "wait for it to pass" is something which will never happen, cos if you really look at it deep, something is bothering u...but what each of us wonder is ...we seem to have everything and still we feel incomplete...I have personally been through this phase many a times...and when i discuss it with my spouse, the answer is always 'give it sometime, it will pass off',...which is even more frustrating...so for me what always works, is an activity which will un-leash my creativity...cos for one to unleash creativity, one would have to really think... and when u start giving ur mind exercise...the damn phase passes! Hence my concluding words on this topic is " wait for it to pass" will never happen, cos if you want to make a change u got to do it! nobody else will even be it ur spose (and if your spouse does, u got to thank God that you managed to get such a wonderful human being) ! So go out there and do what is on ur pending list...if it means cleaning the house, or creating new jewellery pattern or watching all seasons of your fav sit com on DVD without break or a movie or a book which u have postponed on a later date to read...list out things u have always wanted to do and start executing it...once u finish each task..u will feel a sense of accomplishment!!! and Voila..the King of Good times will roll on and on! :-) sade

  5. hi Veena,
    My view is that use this time productively and spend it on yourself - to do things that you've always wanted to do or to pick up skills that you have always wanted to pick up. My favorites as things to do while 'waiting' would be:-
    1. Get healthy
    2. Learn a new language
    3. Do some focused reading in an area where you want to build expertise.

    best wishes while you wait,

  6. Anonymous18:52

    It was a deep and well thought and well expressed article.

    Yes whenever we are down WE need not wait for the hard times to PASS, instead WE pass over them and go beyond them GO ahead of them INSPITE OF THEM!

  7. Hi Veena,

    I relate to your thoughts. We pass through phases time and again.

    If nothing else works, then this solution can be tried..
    I think one of the way to ease the stress is to go shopping or getting a facial which will help relax.
    Although it may sound funny, this could be the last resort..


  8. hey all... thank you for your comments... I have been a little lost from the blog land for a while... some very useful comments.

    just as an update... as sudha said... it does not pass.. you make it pass... you soon find something / a project to keep you and your mind occupied!
