Thursday, February 21, 2008

There will be blood...

A movie that we decided to see on a Tuesday evening. After a lot of argument & looking up a website called (my husband's favourite movie rating site) we decided to see "there will be blood"

The promos were exciting and the tomato meter rated it 91%. Good huh!!!

It is about this guy who dug up oil wells... he got greedy after a while and the greed got the better of him & he started losing himself. By the end of it he has a big mansion and loads of money but has lost everything else... his son leaves him!

The movie started out well and was gripping for the first half but after that it just went on & on for no reason... a movie that should have ideally been over in 1 and half hours took 2 and half hours... (ONE EXTRA HOUR!)

In the end a priest also dies I am not sure why... I think its a good nominee for Oscar as you don't really understand the end... as one of my friend says 'the Hollywood ending!'

My suggestion... don't see it at least not on big screen... see it on a DVD when you can fast forward the slower parts. It becomes a documentary after a while and it stretched way too much!

1 comment:

  1. try watching jodha akbar.. its 4 hours... Aishwarya keep making horny faces on every nakhra :))
