Tuesday, August 19, 2008


In this age where everyone is talking about being eco-friendly ideas and practices I experienced very strange banking process with Deutsche Bank (DB).

My brother living in Mumbai used to receive my statements & bills while I am away. Since he has moved out of the current location I wanted to make sure my statements do not land up with the leased owners. For this purpose I spoke to banks and other service providers to send me their statements & bills online which happened very quickly & in some cases they gave some percent off on the bill. But the cherry on the cake is DB.

If I need to get eco friendly & stop my paper correspondence with DB then I have to pay a price... ain't that interesting to note... to get them to spend less on you, you pay 100 odd bucks every month. What a thought??? And what responsibility!!!

I found it ridiculous & I am no more a privileged customer of DB. When there is so much of competition around and other banks who are willing to provide better services why should you get stuck up with such a service... its a different story of you don't have an option!!!

Jaago grahak jaago... my small contribution to the campaign!!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Difficult Simplicity!!!

Simple living & High thinking... a quote I've heard so many times... I am not sure if I have seen anyone follow it!

Most want a simple life without any complications... I wonder if they really understand what 'simple' stands for? And when they themselves create all the complications I am not sure how a simple life can be achieved...

We play mind games... we wont go & ask what happened... we try to source out information... how simple is it to say sorry or thank you or to say a few kind words... but we don't do any of it... we play games and complaint that our life is so damn complicated!

There are people who say that why should we tell our family and our loved ones we love them... they already know... if we tell them will the love increase or decrease? hmmm... neither... but the person you tell it to will feel cared for and happy! So simple...

But a question of "Is there a need?" arises...

Need for what... need to make a person happy or expressing your love... in both the cases maybe there is no need... then probably there is no need for children to be told that you love them... why do you need to hug them or kiss them or get them gifts? Don't they know? There is no need for husband & wife to stay together... after marriage they should fall in love if there is no need for expression then what is the point in staying together... We all have 6th sense we all should know who loves us & who doesn't... isn't it? HuH!!!

There are certain things in life where actions speak louder than words... and some things in life don't have a reason. In fact, they don't need to have a reason... one should do it because one feels like it!

Smile... laugh... cry... hug... kiss... splurge... make others happy... express your love... shop... have an ice cream... get wet in the rain... fight with your sibling... crack stupid jokes & laugh endlessly on them... giggle... have a pastries & chocolates... buy flowers for yourself or gift it to others... cry on sad & stupid movies... dance... sing... fight with your partner... make up all fights... shout... run carelessly... in short enjoy... as simple as that!

Don't add complications by thinking what people might think... if you are approved some place you are disapproved in some... why add complications by thinking what some person might or might not think... for all you know no one disapproved... its just your thought!

In life everything boils down to contentment & satisfaction... But we never get them because we look at big things... investments... property... planning... retirement... education... in this whole thing the big picture hides the little joy giving moments... the love glances... the giggles & laughs... and many such countless moments are lost & missed in the process of achieving goal after goal... And in solving complicated self created questions!

It is so rightly said "it is so simple to be happy but so difficult to be simple"